Our products


Jefo liquid products

*Product availability may vary from region to region

Vitamins A, B1, D3 & E,
Betaine, Methionine and
Choline for poultry and

Available: pack of 6 x 1 liter and pack of 5 x 4 liters

Vitamin D3 supplement
for the drinking water
of poultry and swine

Available: 20 liters container

Liquid supplement of Vitamins A, D3, E, K and B-complex for poultry and swine

Available: pack of 6 x 1 liter and pack of 5 x 4 liter

Liquid vitamin D3 supplement for poultry

Available: pack of 6 x 1 liter

Liquid vitamin E and Selenium supplement for poultry and swine

Available: pack of 6 x 1 liter

Click below for PDF brochure

Formules HP

Salox 100


Vitamin D3


Water Treatment products

*Product availability may vary from region to region

Liquid acidifier for poultry and swine drinking water

Available: 20, 200 and 1000 liters container

A hydrogen peroxide based cleaning and disinfectant product

Available: Pack of 4 x 3.8 liters and 18.9 liters

Click below for PDF brochure

Jefacid &

Colonies price list

Click below for PDF brochure